GOOGLE (PLUS) + ----The
real Face book Killer is Here
12th July April, 2011 11:11 AM

Face book has been dominating the Social community industry
for years… Now, Google has launched a new social networking
community website ( that looks like eventually
a Face book killer.
It looks like a same social networking website, that are
been designed for years. That 3 column structure with the
ability to typing a message, insert the video, images, links
that are automatically executed in view of the annotation
with thumbnails, set who sees this message.
It has many more features that FACE BOOK lacks including:
This is one of best features in Google (+). It allows users
to manage network by organized folders called circles, and
when you share some information so you can select your desired
circle of friends, family or coworkers.
All Google products are integrated with Google (+). After
registering a Plus – the aforesaid prescribed in Google’s
top panel, which lets you view the message and add an entry
on the spot. We suspect that something like this very soon
due to the expansion or regular share it button.
Other includes:
• Unlimited Videos and Photos Storage
• Android apps
• Comments or +1s on your posts.
• Mentions (+) of you in a post.
• Updates and invitations to huddles.
• Photos you’ve been tagged in or tags you need
to approve.
• Alerts about your Google+ app.
• The mobile web app is very good, though because of
an error right now you can't moderate comments as promised.
That's how high the expectations are set though!
• The mobile web app makes it easy to check in to locations,
though in typical Google style (Plus being a radical departure!)
there's not a lot that happens when you check in.
• Google Plus One buttons off-site don't flow into Plus
one but they probably will in time.
• Circles aren't public and at launch can't be. The
company says it was concerned about making public/private
as clear as possible, but the duration of interesting topical
Circles and then subscription to other peoples' Circles has
huge potential. Much like Twitter Lists.
10 million peoples in last 32 hours have joined Google (+),
that’s very fast and this site is going to make more
millions of users in next weeks.
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